
Latest 3D Animation Design News: Bikes with 3D Animation Wheels

Latest 3D Animation Design News: Bikes with 3D Animation Wheels Do you have any idea on the latest 3D animation design news that is making the rounds? This news will blow all the other news out of the water! What is this great news we keep talking about? You are curious now and that’s good because we are dying to tell you! The Spectacular News A Californian company by the name of  Monkeylectric developed 3D animation design wheels called Monkey Light Pro. Monkey Light Pro turns the wheels of the bike in amazing 3D animation displays, but if you want to own the product, it is expensive. One wheel costs around $900 with two wheels costing around $2000. Now, that is expensive, but one can dream, right? What Do These Amazing Wheels Do? Unlike wheels that light up, you see colorful, LED images spring up as the bike passes you, leaving you in awe of what you just saw. To control the animation, the developers allowed users to use eithe